
My prices generally depend on the size of the canvas but there may be exceptions where extra materials or time are involved. Below you can find the prices of my ‘off the shelf’ artworks. Generally these are paintings that I have completed and are up for sale in an exhibition or on my website.

If you are looking for a commission then please add 10% to the prices below as these always take extra work and time for the individual service required.

Other sizes are available upon request. Non-standard sized canvases will be charged an additional premium as I will need to get the canvas made to size.

These prices are for either a thin edge or deep edge canvas with sides painted and ready to hang. Frames are in addition to these prices.

Prices generally increase on 1st January each year but have remained static for 2024.

Dimension 1 Dimension 2 Price
30cm 30cm £115
50cm 20cm £125
40cm 30cm £140
40cm 40cm £175
46cm 56cm £255
50cm 50cm £250
70cm 50cm £335
60cm 60cm £345
70cm 70cm £450
100cm 50cm £460
80cm 80cm £580
100cm 100cm £645
100cm 150cm £855